ending homelessness starts here

Welcome to the red geranium project

100% Volunteer Managed & Operated

We provide quick response solutions for those in dire need of temporary housing.

Anyone can find themselves in a situation where they are faced with losing their place to live. As traditional housing costs continue to rise, increasingly, many families and individuals find it difficult to afford a traditional home. For many Americans, home ownership is an impossibility, and the cost to rent a traditional home or apartment in urban areas is unaffordable for nearly anyone working in a job not at a top-tier executive level.

While local and state government agencies work to create and implement large-scale solutions, the Red Geranium Project provides those in immediate or impending need of housing with a secure and relatively comfortable place to live, quickly.

Denver, Colorado, USA - June 20, 2014. RV camping at Cherry Creek State Park in Denver, Colorado.

Red Geranium Project is a 501(c)(3) California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation, IRS EIN #84-5002575 / California Entity ID: CORP 4561489

 100% Volunteer Managed & Operated

What we do

1) — We Find & Fund Housing

2) — We Coordinate Placement

3) — We Help Provide Basic Services

4) — We Engender Personal Responsibilty

5) — We Empower & Educate

6) — We Build People & Communities

Support Us and Help End Homelessness

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